Make-A-Wish Foundation
For 20 years, Chi Omega sisters have dedicated their time and talents to granting wishes of children battling critical illnesses through Make-A-Wish®.
Make-A-Wish Foundation
Chi Omega is a proud supporter of the Make-A-Wish foundation! The Make-A-Wish foundation is an organization that grants wishes to children with life-threatening conditions and terminal illnesses. With each wish granted, they are able to provide hope, strength and joy to both a child and their family. The inspiration that is gained through this organization provides the children with the ability and willingness to comply with the difficult medical treatments. The inspiration gained through these wishes directly improves a child’s physical health.
Our Mission
Make-A-Wish was declared as the national philanthropy for Chi Omega in 2002. Chi Omega has been devoted to this organization ever since and we continuously strive to raise as much money as we can. Chi Omega has been one of the Make-A-Wish foundations biggest supporters. Chi Omegas nationwide have been able to raise over 17 million dollars and volunteered nearly 1,000,000 hours for the Make-A-Wish foundation. Many of our members are involved in Dance Marathon as well as Up-Till-Dawn; two organizations that contribute to the Make-A-Wish foundation. Our chapter considers the Make-A-Wish Foundation as a “why” behind everything we do!